I can't even believe that my sweet baby is almost five months old! It seems like just yesterday we brought him home and put him on our bed and weren't sure what to do with him!
haha It's funny how time really does fly when you are having the time of your life. We are doing MUCH better with food now. In fact we even revisited some of the fruit that he originally didn't like.

Likes for this month: Walking in his walker, rolling EVERYWHERE....if fact we can't leave him on the floor by himself anymore....I left him in the gym for a minute so I could do some dishes and when I came to check on him, he was gone! He had rolled under the coffee table!
haha! Other things he likes are smiling, the swing, Baby Neptune, peaches, pears, apples, his
woobie and
paci, and how could I forget STANDING?

Mommy's favorite is his tugboat jams!

Walking up a storm!

Looking super cute!

Mommy Time!
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