Davis is five months old! Every month I say that I can't believe how fast it's going but somehow it goes a little faster every month! Davis weighs about 17
ish pounds and is very long. In fact when it comes to clothes I have to buy 12 month clothes just to fit his length....however he doesn't fill anything out because he is so skinny! He is built like his Daddy...Tall and Lanky!

At five months Davis is wearing size 2-3 diapers and goes through about 7 or 8 a day. Davis no longer 'grunts' when he is doing his business.....well let me rephrase that we struggle to tell the difference between his frustrated grunts...."I want to walk!" and his bathroom grunts...."I need to go!".

Davis is eating 2
nd foods now....which when it comes to meat appear to taste MUCH better. He has really taken to fruit and LOVES pear raspberry! He is eating three containers a day and 4-5 bottles. We now give him is medicine in an ounce of formula because he hates having it squirted in his mouth!

I wish I could post more in this category! Our little energizer bunny only naps about 30 minutes at a time about 2 times a day....MAYBE three if we are lucky. On the other hand he crashes EVERY night at 8 and sleeps until 7

Davis can now sit up on his own for several minutes....even more if he can hang on to something. He has been in this very frustrating stage where he wants VERY badly to be mobile but can't. He LOVES his walker and goes to town in it! In fact we generally bring it with us when we go to people's houses so he has something to do. As far as the stroller goes....he isn't crazy about sitting in it. So we found another way to grocery shop....the Baby Bjorn! Davis LOVES this! He would sit in it....and be happy....ALL DAY! We are still working on the concept of jumping and bouncing....he will not bounce or jump himself....but he really enjoys when you make him jump and bounce. Meanwhile he just 'stands' in his jumper.
Generally fruit, being naked, bath time...and eating the washcloth, peek-a-boo, OLD MCDONALD'S FARM!!!, TV (The Today Show and Rachel Ray), Baby Bjorn, the grocery store...in the Baby Bjorn, Baby Neptune movie, rolling, his walker, SMILING, laughing, frozen teething rings and making really wet razzing noises/spitting. I'm sorry did I mention standing and walking?
CLOTHES, hiccups, chicken, not being mobile, napping, being hot or hungry, loud noises such as the
Sunchips bag or toilet flushing, new people in his face.