Davis Boyd Turner made his grand debut February 13, 2010! I decided about 1:00 am Saturday morning that I was either dieing or I was in labor! Steve drove me to the hospital (running a few red lights) haha. Once we got checked into triage (the place you have to prove you are in labor!) the nurse checked me and said "Yup, you're staying!"- I was already dilated 5cm. They started my IV....Steve started to get a little light headed so the doctor rushed to get him gram crackers and juice! They took us down to our room and called the epidural man (my new best friend!). Once I had the drugs flowing it was about 3:30 am. We pushed for 3o minutes and out he came! Davis weighed 8 pounds 4 ounces and was 20 inches long. They noticed that he was breathing very fast and had swallowed some amniotic fluid. They let me hold him for a few seconds and then took him to the NICU. He stayed there for the first day and half. No one could have prepared me for that. It was so weird having the whole family sitting in my room with no baby to look at. What was even stranger was having to listen to the family talk about how Davis looked so much like Steve and had huge feet and blue eyes....and I hadn't even seen him to confirm any of this. Once the epidural wore off and I could walk again, Steve wheeled me down to the NICU to see my baby. When I first saw him I noticed his wild hair! It made me smile....but then I saw all the monitors and wires hooked up to my sweet baby and I was just overwhelmed! All I wanted to do was hold him but I couldn't. Saturday night we went back to visit him and they had taken his oxygen helmet off and let us hold him. This was still challenging due to all the wires hanging off of him. As if a newborn isn't delicate enough, we were so afraid we were going to unplug him! We sat there for hours just staring at him. The family was right....he does look like a carbon copy of Steve....his feet and hands are ENORMOUS!....his eyes are navy blue...and he has the cutest hair ever! The next afternoon they released him from the NICU and we had our first real taste of parenthood....and sleepless nights!
When we got home, Davis was getting his days and nights mixed up. However, now 10 days old, he is sleeping 3-4 hours at a time and doing so in the pack-in-play! We couldn't be happier!
Congrats Whitney. You must feel so happy and excited, being a mom is so wonderful. Rosalie was in the NICU for her first day as well, it was awful just sitting in the room and not being able to see her. I'm glad everything is ok with him and you are at home with him happy and healthy.
ReplyDeleteI have been checking your blog everyday! I was so HAPPY to see the update today! And, especially all the fun photos! He's wonderful. I can't wait to see him again! He is SO FINE!!! : )
ReplyDeleteI am soooo happy for all of you.
I LOVE the pic of Steve and Davis snuggled in bed! Take lots of pics and cherish all these moments.... they grow oh so fast!