Wednesday, February 10, 2010

39ish Weeks

We are in the final days! Each night has become more restless. I have experienced REAL contractions (which feel awful) the last two nights. Steve is exhausted from staying up all night to time my contractions only to find that they are regular for several hours and then slow about 4:30 or 5. We went to the doctor yesterday and she said that I was 70% effaced and 2cm dilated. She did agree to induce this coming Monday if he doesn't come by then. I was relieved to hear that! She also thought that he would probably come before then. *I'll believe it when I see it! :) Until then we will keep our fingers crossed that this cold snap will bring on labor!

1 comment:

  1. Keeping you and your little family in my prayers!!!
    And, I told you, go eat Mexican food!!!
    Love you Woo!!! Sabes
