I just finished my second week back to work. Boy do I miss Davis! The first day was most definitely the hardest. I just told everyone at work to not ask me about it or I would cry. Every day gets a little bit easier. I think that Davis knew that I needed a break and gave me the best back to work present ever...he slept through the night the Sunday before I went back! WOW! Getting a full nights sleep sure does make a world of difference. He seems to be getting into a routine now. He crashes about 8:30 and sleeps until 5....eats and then goes back to sleep until 7ish. This works out well because "The Chief" gets here about 6:45 and Davis is just waking up. I hate the days when he is still sleeping when I leave...it really feels like I don't get to see him. He is having a ball with the Chief. They go for walks and have lots of important conversations about how to solve the world's problems....and they take trips to the "board store" or Home Depot.

Davis is eating 6 oz now and putting those diapers to the test. He weighs about 12 pounds and some change and still in size 1 diapers. He is very long and fits in most 6 months size cloths. He still loves to be naked and loves to take baths. Davis is smiling a lot these days....and at actual people not at himself in the mirror or at the fan! He is so happy and loves for people to hold him. I can't wait for the summer!
He is just precious!!