It's been a little while since I've updated the blog....going back to work has made it hard but I am determined to keep the blog alive. Sooooo....Davis is three and half months old! He is getting so big and learning new things everyday!
Likes for this month: Grabbing everything! A ball with holes in it, a small rattle, his gym, himself of course, splashing in the tub, STANDING!!!!, Baby Neptune video....specifically the crab the walks across the screen, smiling a lot, eating a lot, being naked, and what Steve has affectionately named his 'woobie' or blanket!
Dislikes for this month: Sitting, CARSEAT, being hot, loud laughing (like the kind heard at bunco! haha), dirty diapers, and being hungry!
We took our first long road trip for Memorial Day Weekend and he did surprisingly well. Leaving for Gam and Papa's was quite a production. I have never packed so much stuff in my life! What made it harder was that Steve didn't go...he left for Las Vegas for John Ross' bachelor party. Needless to say we filled the suburban with everything Davis could possibly ever need. On the way there we stopped twice for a change and once for bathroom for me! He did well on the way back. He napped for the first 2 hours and then we stopped for lunch and then hit the road. Meanwhile, he was happy watching his movie. Although the trip went well....very few major meltdowns, I believe traveling with him is exhausting! I'm glad that I have today to recover! My parents are coming over today to see Davis and then we are all headed over to Steve's parents' house for BBQ. Lisa bought Davis a little pool and we may try it out.....I'll update how that goes!