Exhaustion has set in! I struggle to get up in the morning....which is completely unlike me. I keep hearing that the 2nd trimester brings a surge of energy and I sure hope so!! As the weeks continue to go by I seem to get more tired.

I bought Steve a book called
Pregnancy Sucks for Men haha. (Really, I liked the cover which has a prego belly on one side and a hairy man gut on the other) Steve didn't appreciate it, so I am reading the book instead. :) I am enjoying it because it is humorous and I think everyone needs some comic relief during these odd months of pregnancy. I suppose that is the difference between Steve and I....He would rather read a factual book... and I need some humourous stories to keep me interested. (I think we balance each other out) I would highly recommend it for anyone who needs to step back and laugh at the strange bodily functions that occur during pregnancy. Likewise, I think it's nice to stop reading about all the horrible things that can happen in each month. I bought the pregnancy bible
: What to Expect When You're Expecting and hate it! It is not helpful but just causes you to worry about EVERYTHING.
I know I am not a doctor....BUT....I think there should be more ultrasounds in the first trimester. I mean 4 weeks in between appointments in A REALLY LONG TIME! (especially when you have read the first few chapters of the Pregnancy Bible....which should be titled
Syndromes and Miscarriage. Nevertheless, I am anxious for our next appointment where we should hear the heartbeat.
I'll keep you posted!