So this is just how busy my little man is! Turn around for 2 seconds and he is sitting IN the crock pot! (not turned on) :)
WOW...I know I've said it before but gee time really does fly by! I am attributing my lack of posting to the fact that Davis has become ULTRA mobile! I plan to back track this summer! So here we go....
Davis at 11 months weighs 22 pounds and wears size 4 diapers. He is eating finger foods and has almost completely given up baby food. His favorite thing to eat are crackers, goldfish, and the Gerber Cheese Puffs! Boy can that kid tank down the
Cheetos! Davis likes to eat green beans and
spaghetti-like pasta...but only if he can feed himself! I load up the spoon and hand it to him and he puts it in his mouth. This month we really started to notice the precise fine motor skills he has with his left hand....which is a change from what he had been doing in the beginning. Steve is excited because he said it's good for tennis! :) Davis is in a stage where he wants to eat anything and everything on the floor! He is literally like a little
Roomba who goes around finding all the little pieces of junk on the floor that you missed and then EATS it! I swear I am beginning to wonder if he is going to be the kid in class who eats paste! Anyway, Davis is cruising and climbing EVERYWHERE! Davis can open: The washer, the dryer, the dishwasher, all the cabinets, the drawers, the bi-fold doors in the kitchen, the shutters, and the TV cabinet. He loves to pull all of the containers out of the cabinet and play with them. Steve has taught him to climb the stairs and almost climb up onto the couch. There is literally not a moment when Davis isn't on the move. He is the busiest kid I've ever seen and boy does he make his Mommy and Daddy very tired! At school Davis moved to the next room and is now a "duck". He likes the new room because there are mats that he climbs over all day! :) I am happy to say that Davis FINALLY clapped! For months we have been working on this skill and he would look at me like I'm crazy and then crawl away. He finally did it the other night when he was just about to go to sleep. I jumped up and clapped and made a big deal and then he was up another 45 minutes! Davis is talking quite a lot these days. He says Mama, and Dad, Dada,
Baba, Go.....and a variety of other whale like sounds. More importantly he knows the word no...and then does the exact opposite and
squeals in delight. I'm thinking that we may need to read The Strong Willed Child! Davis has discovered that if he drops something that I will bend down and pick it up. When I'm holding him and he wants down he drops his
paci on the floor and then looks at me like..."let me down woman!"
It's hard to imagine that my sweet baby is almost a toddler! Ugh- where does the time go? I hope to get back on track with my posts!