This has been a BUSY month! Davis is LITERALLY CLIMBING THE WALLS! He wants to see everything in the house. Lately, he has taken an interest in the tile in front of the fireplace. I never thought I would have to say..."Davis don't lick the tile!" I'm afraid he is hearing the word NO a whole lot though. The good news is that he knows that word and seems to know the meaning.
We officially have a bottom tooth. Now when he smiles big you can see it clear as day in his little mouth. (I think the teething is why he wants to lick the cool tile....we hope!) Anyway, Davis has also officially been sick too. He had a terrible cold and had to stay home with the Chief and Mimi for an entire week! He didn't seem to mind all the attention from the g-parents! :)
Davis weighs 20 pounds and is wearing mostly 18-24 month clothes. He is just about out of the size 3 diapers but we are trying to finish all our boxes before we move on to the 4's. When it comes to eating he really has grown quite an appetite. He now eat 4-5 containers of food and 4 bottles a day. He loves to sit in the high chair and chase the Gerber Puffs around. Davis is getting very good at chewing the puffs so we are thinking we might try some other things too.
It suddenly hit me the other day that Davis is almost a year old. It's crazy how fast he changes from 1 month to another. This year has been the fastest one I've ever lived! It will be Halloween soon and I can't wait to dress up my little boy! He is going to be....wait you didn't think I would ruin the surprise did you? :)