Happy Seven Months! This month has just flown by since we have headed back to school. Davis has learned so much this month. He is officially crawling EVERYWHERE and just in the past two weeks has started pulling up on anything and everything he can get his hands on. He loves to pull up on the coffee table and throw all the magazines on the floor...and eat a couple too! He if fascinated with the tile in the entry hall.....not sure why. Anytime he gets a chance he sprints all the way to the tile. About three weeks ago I went to get him up from a nap and nearly had a heart attack as I turned the corner into his room. He was standing in bed and gave me a BIG smile! He was so proud of himself. The next day I went to get him and he was not only standing but JUMPING in bed! What a boy!

This week I noticed that he officially has his first tooth. We thought for months that the eye tooth was going to come in since there was a little white cap there and it was swollen but it has not budged and the little bottom tooth has started to grow!
Jumping....yes, Davis has finally decided that he likes to jump! He can really get the jumper going these days!

Davis has pretty much outgrown the infant car seat. His legs are so long they hang out and he kicks the back of the seat. We bought him his first big boy car seat which HE LOVES! He likes sitting up straighter and higher so he can see out of the windows. Davis loves the seat so much we really don't have to play his movie every time we go somewhere....which is nice after 7 months of the same movie playing over and over!
Food: Davis pretty much eats all baby food now...with the exception of meat and peas. The meat is just gross and peas....well he just doesn't like them! His favorite thing to eat is squash He eats three containers a day along with 4 7oz bottles.

Davis is still in size 3 diapers and in 12-18 month clothes. He is so happy and hardly ever cries! This really is a fun stage!