I can hardly believe that a month has already flown by! Everyone said that time goes soooo fast but I just didn't understand how fast it actually goes! I will be going back to work in a few weeks and Mr. Davis will be spending his days with Tommy....Steve's Dad....who we are calling "The Chief" since he is firefighter. We like it better than Grandpa!
Anyway, Davis is getting so big. He is such a good baby. He really only gets fussy when he needs to be changed or is hungry. The nights are a million times better than the first week! He now sleeps about 5 hours at a time....so I only need to get up about once every night. He loves to take baths! In fact we try to let him play in the tub every night before he goes to bed. However since his skin is so sensitive we have to put lots of lotion on him so he doesn't dry out! In the past two weeks he has discovered his arms...hands....and fingers! At night we swaddle him up but a few nights he has escaped and I'll wake up hearing him sucking on his fingers! haha I can't wait to see what the next month brings!